Peaks and Valleys

Experiencing a low point in your life right now? Have you just overcome major obstacles or are you trying to pull out of a long slump? Do you view this time in your life as a peak or a valley? We all have ups and downs. The difference is your focus as you go through those peaks and valleys.

Over the past several weeks I have spoken with many people that are moving through adversity. Life-changing adversity. This year has presented me with memorable challenges too. I am learning so much from every situation, person, and challenge; every victory I encounter. We all have peaks and valleys. We all have good days and better days. We all have the ability to make choices.

Because of the gifts that God has given me I routinely encounter people that are at a point of pressing through something. Be it academic, work related, relationship or whatever the situation, the person has the ability to choose how they will move through. Although we all have different strengths and challenges we all have a free will. We are given the choice and the tools to face any situation, with the help of God.

We all have dealt, and will deal with adversity as long as we are breathing. Think about your life, the lives of others that you know on a personal level, those lives include adversity and triumph. Think about those you have read about or know less personally. Everyone has their challenges. Some are less publicized however, they exist.

What if…

What would happen if the way we deal with these challenges, our mindset, determined how successful we each are in the long run? What if, our choices as we go through the peaks and valleys impacted our outcomes more than our intelligence? What if, our choices meant more than our family background or neighborhood?

What if God in His infinite wisdom gave each of us a way to good success by shoring up our physical challenges by changing our mindset?

What if we, by uncovering our gifts and applying those gifts in love, as we persevere through the peaks and valleys would create good success? What if that information was free for the taking? What if we could go to God and unlock the doors that seem to be closed to some and wide open to others?

The Classroom

I have had the joy of leading classrooms with various grade levels and abilities. One of my favorite classes was composed of thirty-three including one student with 15 identified learning disabilities alongside those that tested highly gifted and talented. As God blessed me to apply love and set high standards for them they responded well. I have even received some relocated to my class by other teachers. Peaks and valleys.

My success with the students was in direct relationship to how much I was able to press through the adversity to reach them on levels that transcended: intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence, primary language, national origin or gender. There is something inside that God has given us all so that we can change outcomes for the most challenged with love; beginning with ourselves.

This is not about me; by no means! It is about the God that we all have can access. He is the BEST special needs teacher. He knows how we learn. He knows what He put inside of each of us. The studies discussed by Angela Lee Duckworth, Ph.D. mentioned in the video show how she has been able to reveal that there is something innate in all of us that is a clear indicator of success. She calls it “grit”.

While she examined grit primarily in the academic and work setting, I contend that our special needs teacher (God), has provided us with that ability in this classroom we call life too.

Perhaps the trials of life relate to our externship. Giving us a chance to show how we really operate in practice rather than in theory. I think the externship is a way for the individual to gain confidence, see where their strength lies and see how the theory connects to the real world.

The peaks and valleys may be the way that we prove, to ourselves that we understand what the teacher is teaching.

How much grit do you have? How you pass through the peaks and valleys is an indicator.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”