Show Your True Colors

Show_Your_True_Colors_MapsAndLanterns.orgHow you behave under pressure reveals the truth of what is on the inside. As we navigate through life we do not always show who we really are to everyone. Some people are so skilled at hiding behind a mask they have forgotten who they really are. Let us take a moment and explore what are true colors are on the inside. If it is not what you want to see then there is still time to make some changes!

You may not feel comfortable enough to show people the real you. You may live a different life when family, friends or your significant other are not around. You may be one person at work, another at play, and still another when you are at your residence. One might even ask, “What’s the difference, I am a different person in all of those settings anyway, what’s the difference?”

Absolutely, in those separate and distinct environments showing various sides of oneself makes common sense.  Like wearing a swimsuit to work is probably not a good idea, unless maybe you are a swimming instructor. Different situations require us to behave differently. The etiquette for each setting dictates diverse behavior.

Who’s on First

With so many different situations and protocols for each it may get to be a little confusing as to who you are to be at what time, you may not remember where you are nor what you are to do; who’s on first.

Even Bud Abbott and Lou Costello got confused on the positions and how they were played on the baseball team!

When it is all said and done knowing who you really are on the inside gives you an opportunity to operate in strength when the pressure comes, because as long as you keep living, the pressure of life will come.


Pressure is: When your payroll draft is cut in have because of an error and no one told you until payday when you discovered it. When you find that a mistake you made was very serious to the police officer that now has you in custody and you are on the way to the station for questioning. When you did not remember to put gas in the car and the overturned tanker that delayed traffic has caused you to run out of gas on the freeway. When you are in a tremendous hurry and the disoriented person frantically asks you for directions to the bathroom in a crowded mall. When your child is so frustrated he is crying in the car seat behind you and there is no place to pull over for several miles. When you are doing your best at work and told you will need to seek employment elsewhere and you have no money in your savings account. When your suspicions of your spouse having an affair are found to be factual. Pressure.

Do you know which one of your personas will have to show him or herself while under this pressure?

Faith Under Pressure

These situations and so many more you have, and will face, are pressure. When we are in these circumstances we are to rely on our faith, put our faith to work.

In James 1:2-4 we read the following:

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”  (The Message)

Wow, so the true colors of our faith show when we find ourselves in these pressure situations.

Have you ever felt like you were not clear who’s on first? In such situations are you uncertain if you will be seen differently once you react to the pressure of the moment? Are you concerned as to the position you will take and how it will be viewed by others?

Perhaps it is time to get your faith-life in order. Maintaining faith in God requires effort, it does not just happen. It is something that you and I must work on, deliberately and consistently.

If you can think back on a particular situation where your true colors were not the ones that you want to flail in the wind, perhaps it is time to work on your faith-life, even if only in anticipation of the next inevitable occurrence of pressure. You may however, choose to continue to do the same thing expecting a different result; that is the definition of insanity. The choice is yours!

Take Inventory and Take Action! Then you will be able to boldly engage God as your banner in your true colors.

Do you know who’s on first?



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”