Tag Archives: Spiritual Growth


Spiritual Growth or Decline?

Determining if we are growing spiritually is not the easiest thing to do. However, it is a quality of life issue that each of us must address, or we run the risk of missing God’s best for us. This issue, like the most important issues we have in life, require our deliberate attention. We possess […]


Float While Swimming in the Deep

We are moving into the season where more people will be spending time at the beach or in the pool. While my aquatic prowess in the flesh is not necessarily advancing I am achieving spiritually. We are all required to improve our ability to navigate spiritually. This is clearly put to the test while swimming […]


Thanksgiving–Reality and Truth

In just a few days the annual tradition of Thanksgiving will be upon the people of America. A celebration of bounty occurs in many areas of the world, called by different names. This year I plan to celebrate the truth rather than the reality of Thanksgiving. Straightforwardly I will celebrate with increased understanding of Thanksgiving—reality […]


Operating Under the Influence

In recent years the numbers of fatalities attributed to operating under the influence of alcohol have decreased. One death is too many, so to see the numbers decrease is welcomed. In part those who have worked tirelessly promoting awareness, legislation and prosecution have impacted the statistics of cases of driving while under the influence (DUI). […]

Spring_has_sprung MapsandLanterns.org

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning your house may be a challenge, especially if things have gotten “out of control” since last spring. There are checklists to help you get organized as you clean your residence. I found a list that will help you to get the entire house organized in eight hours! I am going to use that […]

Baby Stretch

Baby Stretch

Have you ever noticed how a newborn baby stretches? They really s-t-r-e-t-c-h! Their tiny hands are above their heads. Their elbows locked into position, little legs outstretched with unbendable torsos. Determination to lengthen every muscle, increase oxygen capacity of every blood cell and make room for imminent growth. Could it be that this physical action […]