THE Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

We are now in that window of time where many are thinking about colored eggs, bunnies and flamboyant bonnets. What is on the menu has created dwindling store shelves in the supermarket and some left work early on Friday afternoon.

There are several programs related to the Biblical account of Jesus Christ, either in production or currently being shown. There is a major debate about the depictions included in the History Channel’s “The Bible” miniseries. I heard that study groups have formed to review the program and more than 10 million viewers are reportedly following the series. Non-Christians and Christians polled in a survey about this series report that they have learned something new from watching. (See article by Kate Shellnut located at

I am encouraged to see the interest in the Bible’s true story of love. God is love (1John 4:16b) and Love gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Those seeking the truth of His word do not surprise God or those seeking relationship with Him. It pleases Him. He knew before the foundation of the earth when He sent His Son to the earth to take on all of our sin, before we committed those sins. He loved us enough to make a provision for us to be clean of that sin. Jesus the Christ, who knew no sin, experienced all of the consequences of sin on our behalf. How loving is that? Our minds cannot fully embrace that concept. One of my favorite songs Here I am to Worship says this: “I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sins upon the cross.” Whenever I think of that song and that line it brings tears to my eyes.

When we see the depictions of Jesus’ body being mutilated, when we read of Him sweating blood during prayer hours before being hung on the cross do we get it? Before He was pierced in His heart He loved us enough, more than enough to take on all of that and more for us. He is so much characteristic of love that He is LOVE.

My definition of love is, meeting someone at his or her point of need, by giving. That giving can be a smile, a kind word, a shoulder to cry on, shared laughter or a cup of tea. Giving of yourself and your gifts does not require that you empty your bank accounts yet if you choose to give to meet someone’s financial needs or through monetary gifts it is a valid expression of love. That giving can be carried out by anyone sharing inherent gifts with others. God gave of Himself out of love for us.

When Jesus was asked what is the “great commandment” He had an answer, His answer is found in Matthew 22: 37-39. I ask that you look there and meditate on the words. Sit quietly and earnestly ask God how you can fulfill His great commandment.

If we say that we love God and do not love our brother (or sister, or neighbor) God makes it clear how He sees that behavior in 1John 4:20.

What a tremendous, unmerited blessing it is that we do not have to give as Jesus did. How much are we asked to do? Can we love our neighbor as ourselves? Has the God of love made this tremendous provision of love for us and then asked us to keep a commandment that is impossible? Even in our finite minds, does that appear to be what our all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent God would do?

His love for us includes a relationship with Him. We were created as relational beings, in His image. He knew about our frailties, He knew about our shortcomings, our fractured families and missteps, He knew about our desire to be close to Him. He placed that desire within us. Yet He is a gentleman. He does not force us to obey. He gives us the opportunity to come to Him, to return the love He has so lavishly poured out on us. What will you do?

Will you spend time being caught up in some manmade religious ritual or will you deepen your relationship with the loving God who continues to express His love for you. It is my choice. It is your choice. We get to decide. It has nothing to do with my parents, my siblings, my children, my husband, my neighbor or anyone else. It has nothing to do with the lack or abundance of love I feel from any of those relationships. It has everything to do with the God of love (who is Love) giving me His only begotten Son so that I may not perish. I have made my choice. What is your choice?

This is part of the greatest love story. You are part of the greatest love story. Love cannot occur in isolation. It needs to be directed to someone. Someone made in the image of God as you were. Animals, objects or ideas were not made in God’s image. When you express love toward other human beings you are part of that stunning love story.

Everyday you have the option of being part of that story. You can watch it in the theater, at your place of worship, in your own home or anywhere else. You can view others as you go about your day. Life however, is not a spectator sport. We have been given the commandment to love, in Jesus’ own words, the greatest commandment. When we are participants we have many promises. See what God promises in 1Corinthians 2:9.

Take Inventory and Take Action. Ask God to show you what role you play in the story. Then listen for His answer. Listen with your heart and your spirit. Love will respond.

We can converse with the producer and director of the Greatest Love Story Ever Told. You have a role in the story. The role that you are prepared to play is custom made to fit all of your gifts. Follow the direction given to you and study the script. It will prepare you for the flow of your character and you can rehearse how you will respond to the others that are part of the story. Read the parts before you came on stage and see what happens in the future.

Are you ready for your close-up? The flow of the story – including the happy ending—will continue without your full participation, however since you have already been prepared for it, and your part is written why not participate. The choice is yours.

No we do not know exactly how much it cost to see our sins upon the cross, I believe God planned it that way, yet we can live in the abundance of receiving His love in our lives. Hallelujah! What is your choice?



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”