What Your DNA Says About You

What_your_DNA_says_about_you_mapsandlanterns.orgWith around one hundred dollars, plus shipping and handling in about two weeks you can have your individual DNA tested and get information about your relatives including distant cousins. I offer you a method that requires a different kind of investment. By the end of this article you will know more about what your DNA says about you without the expense or the wait.

We are all created by God in His image. Image, that means likeness, right? Similarly a photocopy of a document is not the exact same thing as the original, however it is the likeness of the model from which it was created.

We know that God is love. Since we are made in His image and God is love it follows that we must have love as part of us. Our very being then must have some element of love. Not only do we look like God physically but our insides are made of the same elements too. Just as a natural father passes on his traits, both spiritual and physical, along to the next generation, we can often see the proclivities in a family line when we look closely at the attributes within the family.

Now sometimes the line of sight is clear. We can easily see blue eyes, red hair, a dominant left hand, height over six feet, curly hair, or dimples. These physical attributes come shining through and there is no mistaking the presence or absence of physical characteristics. Sometimes certain features do not seem to match up between parents and offspring so obviously, but upon closer examination, there is a direct link from these types of major physical characteristics to some relative, even though they may be on the distant limbs of the family tree!

Just as there are basic components of all human beings in the physical blueprint (for example; brain function, development of language, etcetera), barring no complications or extenuating circumstances there are specific physical dynamics we can expect from those who share the genetic code as part of the human family.

Your DNA

In the same way, we all share the same basic components in our spiritual blueprint, I call these inherent commonalities part of our Dynamic Natural Attributes or DNA. Our DNA is evident and deposited in us by our creator, our Father in heaven. The most powerful component, in my estimation, of our DNA is love.

We are all different to a great extent. Our inherent gifting manifests in various ways, yet we are all gifted. The way we show love to others through those gifts is diverse. The ways we receive expressions of love is not identical either. Nonetheless, our basic human needs include the ability to love and be loved. No matter how diverse we are, there remain threads of commonality in our DNA.

Neither skin color, ethnicity, culture, country of origin, gender identification, age, body type, height nor sexual orientation override our connection to others through our DNA. Alongside the long lists of differences we manufacture remains the truth that we possess the same DNA.

What Your DNA Says About You!

Your DNA says you have the capacity to love. Our Heavenly Father has left us His manual, the Bible, as a guide to how we can walk in love. We have been directed to follow the great commandment.

An overwhelming amount of pain, tragedy and loss occur daily. Human suffering is played out on the world stage every day. This occurs in the nice neighborhoods, with all people, no one is exempt. It may appear that some are not experiencing the brokenness that resides on the planet, but looks can be deceiving.

This may be your season of distress. You may have just emerged from the ashes of trouble into a time of beauty in your life, or you may be entering that time now. Know that we all will experience pain, loss or distress. Yet, our DNA connects us to each other and the word of God connects us to Him.

Because of that DNA you can connect with others that have gone through similar circumstances. You can learn from their experiences how to improve yours. This can be done by reading the Bible, fellowshipping with likeminded others and sharing your love with others. Look for ways to deliberately connect with your DNA to create success rather than highlighting differences and building walls of separation.

The divisions and separations we have created to detach ourselves from others are not stronger than the DNA that binds us together. We are more alike than we are different. Your DNA says that you, like God, have the capacity to love. Including those considered enemies. Our God is love, He knows what we are facing today. We are required to express love in our families throughout the tree to our distant cousins.

Your DNA says you have the capacity to love beyond: skin color, age, ethnicity, race, culture, national origin, gender identity, socioeconomics, marital status, sexual orientation, body type, eye color, language and religious practice. Do you resemble our heavenly Father? You have His DNA.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”

P.S. To get more information on how you can deliberately increase your capacity to express love, even to your enemies, get a copy of “What do they think we are Peanuts or something? An interactive guide to fulfilling your purpose in love on purpose.” Available exclusively via this website.