
Bitterness_MapsAndLanterns.orgWhat leaves a bitter taste in your mouth? Dental or gum problems, dehydration, medication or various other things can cause a bitterness in the mouth. When we hold negative feelings and emotions we harbor bitterness in our hearts that is distasteful to God. It undermines our relationship with Him. Eradicate the bitterness.

Deadly Bitterness

According to Hebrews 12:15 bitterness is a root. Roots reside under the surface and are generally not seen. They feed the plant and grow what is seen above the surface. The fruit is a result of the root. While we may not always know what seeds were planted, as we observe what is produced by the plant it becomes evident what the root system is like.

Bitterness results from holding negative feelings and emotions. It can come from a trauma, an injustice, a negative interaction. It may not appear to manifest on the outside immediately. Overtime it may result in explosive outbursts of anger or hostility. Much like a carbonated soda in an enclosed container. The contents are under pressure when agitated the pressure will be explosively released.

The root of bitterness comes about when we hold something against someone and fail to release that person through forgiveness. Bitterness affects the other person, but to a greater extent it affects the person harboring the bitterness. Its impact goes to the core of who we are and undermines our relationship with God.

God is holy. God is love. God is light. There is no darkness in God. Indeed God does not even cast a shadow! When we engage in behaviors that are not linked with love we create distance between ourselves and God. Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space.

We have been designed in such a way that we move further into darkness as we resist the word of God or fail to seek it. As we move away from His light we end up in darkness. We are either drawing nearer to God, and His marvelous light, or nearer to darkness. We get to choose.

It is His desire that we thrive in His love. To that end God has provided us with guideposts and directions that will keep our feet on that path to light. He tells us what to look out for and how to avoid the path that leads to darkness. He has also made provision for when we stumble or lose our way.

God’s Economy

One of the blessings of following His way is that as we give to ourselves we give to others. I call it His economy of give, give. When we allow ourselves to forgive others we release them from the harm they have caused us, we also release ourselves from further bondage to those hurtful acts. When the forgiveness is heartfelt we are able to rid ourselves of bitterness.

Being kind, compassionate and loving, regardless of the offense, eradicates bitterness. As we release those negative emotions we carry toward others we set ourselves free from bitterness. No matter how long we carry a grudge we can choose to unload that weighty cargo. Thereby releasing ourselves from the burden of feeding and nurturing the decay that comes with bitterness.

The fruits of bitterness may look like jealousy. It may manifest in being at a public gathering, giving someone a hug and even uttering, “God bless you!” while in your heart you are thinking, I hate you! The taste of bitterness. It may cause is to be ready to take offense as we hear someone speak. It is a deliberate posture that refuses reconciliation. The taste of bitterness.

The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law. When we find that our behavior is not a reflection of such fruit, as soon as possible, we are to repent and release that which is not of God and embrace His ways of doing and being right.

We are able to find His ways in His word. He loves us enough to provide a clear path for us. Do you love yourself enough to follow the path?

As you have read the words on this page were you prompted to release that root of bitterness? Did a situation or an individual come to mind? There is no better time than right now to repent, uproot bitterness, replace resentment and hostility; sow love.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”