Frozen_MapsandLanterns.orgWhen we constantly focus on remembering our misdeeds, it is like being frozen. Our interactions and relationships then have the added complication of an iciness that is a barrier to love. However, when we renew our minds it’s the warmth of love that melts the ice.

On The Big Screen

“Frozen”, a popular animated Disney movie released in November of 2013, tackles a number of issues around coldness in relationships. One of the main characters, is a queen named Elsa. She has supernatural power to create snow, and ice. When her power goes out of control, the entire kingdom is trapped in ice. Finally, the ice is melted by the power of love. In the end, love conquers all!

Our Personal Drama

Each of us has the power to create ice. We can cause our relationships to be frozen. Do you remember the last time that you did something wrong? I am speaking about a life mistake, not a bump in the road. Something that impacted the very course of your life for many years. An action so devastating that you are reluctant to even mention it to others.

I can think of several such actions in my life. I pressed the rewind button on my thoughts since I made those decisions. I have reviewed the still small voice inside that told me not to do whatever I was contemplating, yet I follow through with that action anyway. I remember feeling uneasy about my decision, but doing it anyway.

For many years, I thought of those mistakes. I recounted the steps I took that got me into some seemingly insurmountable situations. I was frozen. I used my power to create ice in my most important relationship; my relationship with God.

When I hold myself in a place where there is no hope. When I only look at myself, and the things that I have done wrong, I put coldness between myself and God. I become self-conscious rather than God-conscious. Frozen in that place where I don’t listen to Him when He speaks to me. I don’t rely on Him by admitting my weakness, and using His strength. I am not grateful for His gifts. I am not seeking His way of being and doing right. All because my focus is off of Him.

When I am frozen, I am using my power to put distance between myself, and the blessings that the Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Eternal God that loves me, has provided. I am rejecting Him, and His plan when I am frozen in that place of replaying my mistakes.

He tells us how to be freed from the yokes that shackle us. He anticipated, and prepared our needs when we were yet in our mother’s womb. Before the foundation of the earth He selected our gifts, solutions to the challenges that puzzle us, and a way out of any situation we can face.


Look back on past victories. Search your yesterdays, and remember times you thought you were at the end, with no way out, and He made a way. Think about the situations when you were ready to throw in the towel. Then remember how He brought you through!

Effort is required to melt the ice and take us out of that frozen condition. Take a few minutes and try the following exercise to help you to begin to dislodge the ice with LOVE.

The attributes of love can be found in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Review that passage. As you do, notice every instance that refers to love. Then replace your name where the word love appears and read it aloud.

Behaving lovingly toward your neighbor is an extension of behaving lovingly toward yourself. Loving yourself begins with an understanding that God does not hold your misdeeds against you once you repent. Although He knew all that you would do before you even thought about doing it, He loves you unconditionally.

Ask for God’s forgiveness for being in a frozen condition in any of your relationships, begin with your relationship with Him. As you make that heartfelt request for God to forgive you, know that it is done, for He says in His word that He will.

Melt the ice in your relationship with God through love. Like Elsa you have the power to melt the ice you created too! Let’s be joyful, as we move toward our happy ending!!

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”