Tag Archives: empowerment


The Impossible

There is power in the words we use. Impossible is a word whose concept can close our thinking to innumerable possibilities that impact our lives and those of others. When we are able to acknowledge the miracles of God we are able to see that the only impossibility is for God’s promises to fail. By […]


People Who Need People

From the introvert to the extrovert, we all need people. We were wired to relate to others, it is in our DNA. We have multiple transient relationships in a lifetime. How we handle these relationships is our individual responsibility. Over time relationships change, the ebb and flow of life creates new opportunities for people who […]


“It isn’t where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.”

Ella and Ruth lived in different times and had some very different challenges yet their lives illustrate the assessment, which Ella was quoted to have uttered, “It doesn’t matter where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.” Let’s explore where they came from and how they made their lives count. Ella Born in […]


Straw, Sticks or Bricks?

What’s your pick? Before the big bad wolf came along the three little pigs, in the children’s story, made choices of building materials they would use for their houses. The idea was to escape the wolf’s attacks. Today we can learn from this folktale to improve our spiritual houses. Straw, sticks, or bricks, what’s your […]


Study to Show Yourself Approved

As we have moved through this season of graduations it was necessary for students to show themselves worthy to earn their diploma, certificate or degree. After presenting evidence the required criteria was met, as established by their respective academic institution, they earned the endorsement for the award. In some ways our individual life style reveals […]


Good Success

One of the fundamental issues we all deal with is control. The Monopoly board game allows us to control the flow of the game by acquisition. Several popular “reality shows” reward control of others attained by devious strategies. Both forms of control require one to dominate. We were designed to take dominion, which has been […]