Archive / July, 2015

Sitting on the Bench

An action as simple as sitting on a bench makes a tremendous difference depending on when and why the action takes place. In this fast-paced world of working hard, playing hard and getting ready for the next season of the same, we do not often stop to have important conversations. As a result things not […]

Spiritual Growth or Decline?

Determining if we are growing spiritually is not the easiest thing to do. However, it is a quality of life issue that each of us must address, or we run the risk of missing God’s best for us. This issue, like the most important issues we have in life, require our deliberate attention. We possess […]

What Your DNA Says About You

With around one hundred dollars, plus shipping and handling in about two weeks you can have your individual DNA tested and get information about your relatives including distant cousins. I offer you a method that requires a different kind of investment. By the end of this article you will know more about what your DNA […]