On Valentine’s Day, He Says, “Be Mine”

Besides the miniature heart-shaped candies with the term “Be Mine”, you have probably seen countless items emblazoned with that sentiment. There may even be diamonds and rubies along a gargantuan mass of cards and flowers handed out today, as a demonstration of love.

On Valentine’s Day many people are looking for the invitation to “be mine”! The history of the Valentine card as we generally know it today appears to go back to the 1400s. It was a way for one to send an amorous address to another. Usually written in poetic terms. Charles, Duke of Orleans is said to have sent the first recorded Valentines to his wife, as he was in captivity in the Tower of London during The Hundred Year War. His loving sentiments to his wife lasted for 25 years during his imprisonment in the tower.

You may like flowers, candy or big surprises. Dinner at a romantic restaurant or intimate time spent with those you love may all be on your list of things to do today. Being thought of through acts of love are appreciated by the giver and the receiver on any day. For both parties, the one expressing love and the object of that wholesome affection; both benefit from the love shared. Healthy relationships improve the quality of life.

How we are Wired

Love is one of our basic human needs. We are designed to be on both the giving and receiving end of love.  We were made in the image of a God, who is the essence of love. That means that we are wired for love! So it is no wonder that when we have an opportunity to focus on being showered with love, or pour love onto others, attention is placed in that regard.

Whether you are expecting to receive or planning to give gifts on February 14th there tends to be an excitement in the air. Even if you are not thinking about a romantic relationship there is something about love in the air that is stimulating. When we are in the presence of others that have a genuine love between them it is palpable. We are drawn to individuals because of the love they show to us. One generally finds a way to communicate “be mine” to those that display true unconditional love.

The Original Valentine

Far earlier than what has become commonly known as the original Valentine sent by Charles the Duke of Orleans, a stronger, more widely known record of an amorous address from one to many was recorded. We know that document to be the Bible. Indeed the word of Love. Our loving Creator has provided us with numerous ways to know Him and His love. It is written that we shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Our loving Father has provided us with the ability to live a life knowing His love. His Valentine is available. We get to know His love through His Word. We also get to know His love through a personal relationship with Him.

Do you have a personal relationship with Him? You do have the ability to know the joy of receiving His unconditional love. Are you personally familiar with the Greatest Love Story ever told?

Your very life depends upon your relationship with our Creator.  He has asked each of us to “be mine”. Yet although He is God Almighty, He allows us to make choices. He allows us the freedom to choose how our story will end and how we accept and operate in His love until then. He originally expressed His love for us, by presenting His only begotten Son, as a blameless, sacrifice for each of us. He will not force us to return that His love. He gives. We are drawn to Him, yet we get to choose.

On this day when so many are focused on red, hearts, flowers, candy and cards is your attention on the giver of the ultimate love? Are you responding to that love by living a life of love? If you are feeling that you need to gain or improve your relationship with our loving Father, make a heartfelt, plea to Him. Repent of your sins, acknowledge Jesus the Christ as the Son of God, now raised from the dead, and the Lord of your life. Ask Him to “Be Mine”. His son was sent to save us. His gift is free. However, we have to make the choice to receive it. He is so loving He will not force us.

Especially today, direct your thoughts to He that is LOVE.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your enemy as yourself.”