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Float While Swimming in the Deep

We are moving into the season where more people will be spending time at the beach or in the pool. While my aquatic prowess in the flesh is not necessarily advancing I am achieving spiritually. We are all required to improve our ability to navigate spiritually. This is clearly put to the test while swimming […]


What leaves a bitter taste in your mouth? Dental or gum problems, dehydration, medication or various other things can cause a bitterness in the mouth. When we hold negative feelings and emotions we harbor bitterness in our hearts that is distasteful to God. It undermines our relationship with Him. Eradicate the bitterness. Deadly Bitterness According […]

Confession is Good for the Soul

We have probably all heard the axiom, “Confession is good for the soul”. However, as an accepted truism what does it really mean? Understanding what we believe is vital to living our best life. Getting to the core of our beliefs gives us powerful awareness. If indeed we have a choice why not make the […]

People Who Need People

From the introvert to the extrovert, we all need people. We were wired to relate to others, it is in our DNA. We have multiple transient relationships in a lifetime. How we handle these relationships is our individual responsibility. Over time relationships change, the ebb and flow of life creates new opportunities for people who […]

Domestic Violence

All of the recent focus on domestic violence may cause us to point fingers. Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Jonathan Dwyer, Roger Goodell and Hope Solo are among those being singled out for their behavior. What if everyone involved in such a situation was named? Would your name be among them? How can relationships be rescued […]


When we constantly focus on remembering our misdeeds, it is like being frozen. Our interactions and relationships then have the added complication of an iciness that is a barrier to love. However, when we renew our minds it’s the warmth of love that melts the ice. On The Big Screen “Frozen”, a popular animated Disney […]

All-Natural Versus Organic

  When we think in terms of all-natural versus organic it is sometimes difficult to decide what choice to make. When we examine the outcomes of our choices it becomes easier to make decisions. When making decisions we can use an all-natural mindset or our organic mindset, recognizing the difference absolutely contributes to the best […]