seahawks champions


seahawks champions mapsandlanterns.orgThe close of this Sunday in America marks the end of an important big game, the Super Bowl. Millions were focused on: football, guacamole, salsa, hot dogs, chili and loads of libation. For some of the spectators the outcome of the game is not even as important as the process on the days leading up to the big contest. The planning of viewing parties, and the rallying behind a favorite team are all part of the anticipation leading up to this contest. Congratulations Seahawks; champions!

You may have been sitting in your comfy chair, preparing refreshments or visiting with friends during the game however, the last game of the season has ended. What happens now? After the last costly commercial airs and the post-game interviews conclude what happens with you, with your life? What about the battles and struggles you had before the game, do you pick them back up right where you left them?

If you spent a good deal of time and energy focused on this huge seasonal event now that the season has ended where will you train that intensity? Hopefully you had some fun with friends and family. Now what? Back to life, back to reality? Be among the victorious, the champions.

There is something very positive and nurturing that occurs when we relate to each other on one accord.  We are relational beings and while we may not want to be with all people all of the time, we all do want to be with some people some of the time. We are made in God’s image to love and be loved.

When we are able to experience camaraderie with others, especially on such a grand scale it creates lasting memories. That positive engagement carries onward to other activities. Creating endorphins and other chemical reactions that are measurable in our bodies. All part of loving ourselves. It is most certainly a win-win too because as we are positively stimulated so are others around us.

Yet as we return to our day-to-day lives what challenges remain for us. The players on both teams wanted to win. Much practice, running plays, studying of defense, anticipating moves, preparing possible strategies and optimizing their gifts to operate as a strong team were clearly used by both teams.

Take Inventory and Take Action

Have you taken inventory for your game plan? No, life is not a game however, there are rules for our success and there is an ultimate contest with opposing teams where we can choose which jersey we wear. We get to discipline ourselves and respond to our coach. We get to seek out others that will support our efforts. We get to look at the track record of the opposing teams, analyze the tactics used by them and develop appropriate strategies.

We are chosen and endowed with gifts. We can do well on our own and multiply those results exponentially when we commit to working with a likeminded team. We get to determine how much effort we put into finishing strong. While gains we make with others will count we improve our performance based on our individual stats.

We get to tune out the noise from the stands. We get to have personal sessions with our coach and teacher.

Although we do not know exactly how much time we have before our time on the field will end, none of us is excluded access to the field or must remain on the bench.

At the end of your participation will you be among the champions? The command to love your neighbor as yourself is an important part of the rules.

We have been told what the expectation is of us. We have been equipped to make a significant impact in the time we have on the field. We know that we have choices. Will we be champions?

As you return back to life, start fresh. Continue the momentum of the big game. Honor the lessons from past seasons and contests. Get back in there, put forth your best efforts the time is short. Enjoy life and keep things in balance.

Familiarize yourself with the rules, keep moving closer to the mark, communicate with the ultimate coach and get support from others on the same team. Then when the trophies, rings or crowns are bestowed on the “good and faithful servants” you will be among that number of champions.



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”