Beauty and Wisdom

Defining Beauty

Depending on who is being asked, defining beauty can be expressed in numerous ways. We can find it in a sunset, a baby, a child, on a magazine cover and on the big screen at the movies. Defining beauty is not always simple however, it is said to be in the eye of the beholder.

We can look in the mirror and find beauty. We can find it in the people that we interact with each day. We can find it in our families or neighborhoods. Defining beauty with precision is not an easy task.  While we may not always be able to express how we are defining beauty we are generally certain when we spot it.

No matter what our gender, ethnicity, age, skin color, body image or lifestyles we can reflect beauty. It is around us all of the time, in nature we frequently comment on the sunset, flower, or tree. When you look in the mirror do you see beauty?

Think about what the word beauty means to you. What images come to mind? When that idea is connected to a person what feelings do you remember when you are in their presence? How would you describe the essence of that person? What comes together to create that feeling of being in the presence of beauty?

When you figuratively take a look in the mirror is that what you see about yourself? Would you want to be a friend of yours? Would you seek you out in a crowded room? What would you be drawn to in you, and why would you stay in conversation with you? How could your beauty be captured? Defining beauty, can be especially challenging when the stings of life appear to be buzzing around in your head.

The Beauty and Wisdom Project

Take a look at the following video by Robbie Kaye, a multi-talented photojournalist and author of the Beauty and Wisdom Project. She has captured a generation of women (she calls the last generation) in beauty parlors all over the country as they made their weekly visit to the beauty parlor. Watch the video, for a brief sample of the project. As you watch I want you to think about your definition of beauty and make the connection with these women.

As you can see Robbie was able to capture much about beauty and wisdom through the images of these women. Since she began this project three of the models featured have passed away. Read Robbie’s blog about the impact of the project on her and the men and women that have viewed it here. You can purchase her amazing book too.

Defining Beauty

No matter what has happened to you in your life, no matter what trials you have encountered or foibles you have committed you are beautiful.

Each of us has pain. Each of us has experienced some ugliness during our existence here.

Much of my unlovely experience was connected to violence, and acts of sexual assault upon children, combined with the chaos that exists in the intense destructive darkness of alcoholism. For many years the sum total of my life and memories of childhood were packed in that nutshell.

I remember when I was in my early teens for some reason I was compelled to make a bold statement about that very situation, in which I found myself. The message came out in block letters about twelve inches tall. I formed letters by using masking tape and placed them on the wall in my small shared bedroom. The letters spelled out, “There is Beauty in Everything”.

As I write this now it brings a flood of feelings along with them comes tears. Those words, posted for everyone to see, remained there on my wall, for a short while until my father ordered me to take them down. The simple statement was a way of speaking louder than the deafening ugliness of my milieu.

The word of God tells us that He gives us what we need for a godly life. I knew as a little girl that God loved me, even in the midst of the ugliness that was my life, I always knew. There was beauty in my life then, which emanated from within.

We are told that what makes us different are the inherent gifts that He bestowed upon us. Be aware of your gifts, honor them and embrace your authentic beauty.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”