Mending Fences, Helps You Love You


Ever done something to someone causing them undue pain, later try to make amends and realize that they had not come to a place of forgiveness? As you ponder on mending fences I think at least one person comes to mind. There is possibly one person on your list that is on my list too.

Who would be common to both our lists, whether you live in America or any part of the world. Whether in California or Maine, the mending of fences with the closest person to us is paramount when mending fences; ourselves.

Our Brokenness

What is it that you have done to you, causing you pain, setbacks or grief, because you made one or more wrong choices? Have unpleasant actions that you reflect on more often than you would like? Find yourself attempting to suppress your shortcomings, out of sight, yet, especially in times of weakness, they return like a neon, flashing, sign displaying  your brokenness? What is it that has grown into a consistent thread of disappointment for you?

Perhaps it was a poor financial investment, a missed opportunity in a business venture, a vacation to the inexpensive hotel that turned out to be too bare bones for your sensibility, or having unprotected sex with the wrong person at the wrong time. No matter how big or small your faux pas, sin or misstep, forgiveness is appropriate and available.

That deeply intimate relationship you have with yourself is impacted by how truthful you are with yourself. As you interact with those around you and find your place in the will of God, knowing your traits and gifts is pivotal. Recognizing your personal authenticity frees you up to walk more uprightly in His will and causes life to be more of a fulfillment of your purpose rather than a poor counterfeit of someone else.

Each of is was handcrafted to give God glory. God sent His only begotten Son so that whosoever believeth in Him shall be saved.

If you are thinking that you will never be worthy of such sacrifice, indeed, in and of ourselves no one is worthy. We all miss the mark. None of us measures up high enough to deserve God’s love. Accept His gift. Yet He has set expectations for us.

When we really know His love we recognize that He is not a man (or mortal, of any gender) that He should lie. He has shown His love to all of us. Even those who fail to recognize Him, have been exposed to His love. He is so loving that He allows everyone to see, feel, touch and experience Him.  

His Healing Love

There are times that you physically represent the love of God to others. Your actions herald the message of love. Your heart sees hurt in others and presses to ease their pain. A part of you speaks to others in need of a kind word. Your ability to show empathy to someone going through what you have come through. These are all expressions of God’s love.

As you recognize that the hurts you have caused yourself are covered in the blood of Jesus, you forgive yourself. As you repent and take what you learned from those situations, you are moving forward pressing closer toward the mark, you are mending fences with yourself and most importantly mending fences with God.

Mending fences causes us to connect, repair and help to advance the Kingdom of God. Press beyond the barriers created by disobedience and lawlessness. God is so righteous and holy that without His intervention, we can behave in a way that seems right, which leads to death. Mending fences creates a supernatural win-win situation. Bless your life, those around you and most importantly God by your actions; focus on mending fences.

Regardless of what you have done take it to God in prayer, repent and ask Him for forgiveness. Then let go and let God do what He does like no one else. Allow God to be God. Allow Him to replace condemnation, shame, disappointment and strife, with love. His perfect love endures forever.

Look in the mirror, think about how you treat the person looking back at you. Do you need to begin mending fences? The clock is ticking, begin now! As you do realize more of the purpose our loving Father has for your life. Heal more of the brokenness. Improve the quality of your spiritual life by mending fences!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”